The pandemic is not over yet!
by Jenifer Hasbun
As regular readers know, Corporate Protection Australia (CPA) has been supporting new and existing clients with a range of COVID services including client information webinars, Pandemic Plans, Training Packages and staff such as medics and other screening personnel.
With vaccination rates so high, there may have been a temptation to assume that the challenges would subside.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
The risks to our client operations remains critical and the potential impact is massive.
CPA’s latest capability enhancement has involved training of our site Medics to safely conduct COVID-19 rapid antigen testing (RAT) in compliance with TGA requirements.
The TGA currently imposes restrictions on how RAT kit suppliers can use the kits, including oversight by a health practitioner, training requirements for users, competency assessments and recording of usage.
An important strategy for our clients is to test its workforce prior to departure for site.
Accordingly, in addition to site based testing, we now have screening and testing staff at airports, bus depots and offices. Our aim is to assist our clients in preventing importation of an infected employee before leaving for site.
In our most recent example, CPA’s Head office proximity to Brisbane airport has been a major benefit with client staff accessing a drive-though testing capability.
All conducted in accordance with TGA guidelines including training sessions between our Medical Director and each dedicated site Tester including:
- Use of RAT, practicing on actual kit,
- PPE equipment required and safe use for RAT testing
- Use of CPA RAT Procedure including requirements for notification and management of positive result on RAT
All staff undergo an online competency assessment (another TGA requirement) and ensure compliant record keeping of successful completion of assessment.
Including (now) our drive-though facility at Head Office*!
CPA – protecting clients’ assets, people and reputation.
*Not open to general public