Professional Development Program
by Jenifer Hasbun
One of the most exciting initiatives launched last year was the new Professional Development Program (PDP).
We are investing in training modules to develop your skills, we get a lot of feedback that training and development is a priority for our team.
Here is an update of what has happened so far, and what to expect!
Our first module, Dress and Bearing, has been launched and already over 200 of our staff have successfully completed the training.
We can do even better than this, please check you have received the enrolment link and complete the module, if unsure, ask your supervisor.
Congratulations to our Fire & Rescue Division which currently leads the race!
We have also had a restricted launch of the Conflict Management module – this will be rolled out to all security staff in this quarter. Keep an eye out in your inbox!
What was really exciting is how many staff have asked us – that was great but what is next?
What can you expect in the future?
Next cab off the rank will be Customer Service. Expect that this quarter too!
In the pipeline are Cultural Awareness, Cyber Security, Email Etiquette and Report Writing.
We are definitely open to requests and suggestions for future modules – let’s work together!
Please send your suggestions to