This Saturday, July 24 is International Security Officer’s Day!

The date of 24/7 is highly appropriate, our job is protection 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

This is an opportunity to acknowledge the contribution and say thank you to our Security Officers for the work that they do across the country keeping our community safe.

I had the pleasure to catch up with Sonia at Wagners and was able to get her opinion on her role:

“Shipping is fascinating, I love the social aspect of my job and the flexibility that offers CPA.”

Sonia is a fan of golf so if you want to make her day invite her to the driving range!

Security is where this company started, it is our heritage and is still in our corporate DNA. I have done more shifts than I care to remember on sites just like the one you may be on right now.

In the cold, dark night, on hot dusty days, rain, hail or shine, I know you commit to your roles and today I want to say thank you.

Enjoy the day and take a moment to reflect that you make a major contribution every day.

Harley Sparke