As one of Australia’s leading providers of safety, security and risk management advisory services, our iSafe team is well accustomed to conducting risk assessments, developing Security and Safety plans and of course, conducting investigations on behalf of our clients, particularly after major incidents.

Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) is an incident investigation technique that is used by our expert consultants to identify systemic deficiencies and contributing factors of accidents and incidents.

In this particular case, the incident was caused by a major weather event which resulted in significant damage to a loader at the site including to the concrete foundations.

Our lead investigator on this assignment was Kevin Waterman who conducted a PEEPO analysis which is the process used by our investigator when working with the client team. PEEPO stands for People, Environment, Equipment, Procedures and Organisation.

The outcome from the exercise was a complete understanding of what had happened and how, but most importantly, a detailed corrective action plan for our client to mitigate future risks as identified by the team.