Regular readers of this blog will know how committed we are to sustainability. Measuring and minimising our carbon footprint is a daily commitment at Corporate Protection – the results of which we publish annually in our Sustainability Report. It also details a range of initiatives we have implemented to increase efficiencies and reduce emissions.

So it’s not surprising, then, that Corporate Protection has emerged as the security and emergency services provider of choice for the renewable energy industry –  including solar, wind, and hydro sites.

Last month, we mobilised to a major new site operated by a global leader In sustainable solutions for renewable energy projects. Word of mouth was strong as the project had heard about us from our work at one of Australia’s biggest wind farms near Cooranga North, between Dalby and Kingaroy, 250 km north-west of Brisbane.

This new project is also a major wind farm. The Wind Farm Precinct is located approximately 40km west of the township of Warwick and 70km south west of Toowoomba. The project site is predominantly rural land used for stock grazing. The wind turbines and ancillary buildings

will be located within the Southern Downs Regional and Goondiwindi Regional and the 64 km of overhead transmission line will be located across Goondiwindi and Toowoomba Regional Councils.

The Project will include the construction and operation of a two independent wind farms within the Wind Farm Precinct. Our staff and equipment was deployed in June, and are already fielding requests to increase our involvement.

Renewable energy: good for the environment, good for the economy, and the good for business.