Kevin Waterman

National Operations Manager - Fire & Rescue

Kevin is an experienced operations manager, emergency response team coordinator, fire fighter team leader and emergency management practitioner with frontline experience in all areas of emergency response, emergency management and fire safety with the ability to motivate teams and achieve results in hazardous environments.


  • Master of Emergency Management
  • Graduate Diploma of Community Development (Emergency Management),
  • Graduate Certificate of Terrorism, Safety and Security
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Emergency Management)
  • Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)
  • Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety Diploma of Management
  • Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management) Diploma of Quality Auditing
  • Certificate IV in Fire Fighting Supervision Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Certificate III in Firefighting and Emergency Operations Certificate III in Firefighting Operations
  • Certificate III in Mines Emergency Response and Rescue Certificate II in Firefighting and Emergency Operations Certificate II in Fire Fighting Operations